19 January 2009

Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS)

Tomorrow, I go to MEPS. I'm nervous and doubting myself and my decision. But I have to just jump into this. I if I don't, I won't ever do it. I think I'm nervous about starting a new chapter in my life. I won't have mom here to help me or dad to make me laugh. It's a bit scary. I have to do this though.

I feel proud that I've made it this far. I think I'm just nervous about what will happen tomorrow, but I'll get over it. I'll probably be fine once I'm there, and surrounded by people with the same thoughts in their heads (lol).

I hope I can have my cell, at least at the hotel. I'm going to be freaking out at MEPS and after the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). This is the first time I've had worms, fears, and excitement over a new career or schooling. I think the only reason I had worms over St. Kate's was because I was moving out for the first time. I never really cared about journalism as a career. I was kind of excited for web design, but I don't know how to make friends. I suck at small talk. I think or rather know that Navy will be good for me somehow.

...lol, I suppose I'll need a smaller journal too...

This weird passive scared is odd. I think I'm comfortable with my decision, I'm just making up "What if's"

But I know I can do this. Everything will be fine and I'll grow as a human. I will be better than I am.

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