19 October 2009

I miss my sailor.

Yeah, the irony of this right after the "i miss my soldier" post...Tough shit it's here now.
Dave is so fucking grounded he ain ever leavin the fuckin house. Anyway I at least get to see him in 57 days. So this is good. But dammit I wanna see him nows. N yeah. I'm gonna complain a lot in the next 57 days, but y'all cn deal with it. Btw, come back mother fucker, I need u here. It's too fucking cold on base w/o u.

15 April 2009

I Miss My Army Boy

My best friend Layne should just be getting done with his basic training for US Army. I miss that bastard. He's the one who helped push me to join the Navy. I don't know when the next time I'll talk to him is. He's a brave mother fucker. He's the kind of person who joins the Army to defend his country and pretty much no other reason.

I feel proud to be serving with him. I may be going for a different branch but we all work towards the same goal. I mean I could be providing missile barrages from a ship so he doesn't get his ass blown up. I love that mother fucker...

14 April 2009

IFA Tomorrow

I have a fitness assessment again tomorrow. I have to run 1.5 miles straight. I can do it in under 15:30 but the hard part is not walking. I hope I do it so I just have to keep conditioning. One less stress for now.

12 April 2009

So I've Totally Left You Standing

I've totally slacked off on blogging over the last month and a half, but I'm back!! For like 14 days... I'm getting real nervous about doing this. Holy shit, I signed up to get my ass kicked for two months!

I have to run like hell on Wednesday and study like a bitch!

27 February 2009


This is the other area I need work on, so I think I have to set a goal for myself to learn a certain section and then summarize it on here without using the DEP book to summarize.

So far I've learned about exercise and the Core Values (though I must study those again).

I'm going to summarize what I've read about the exercise portion:

In the U.S. Navy (and probably others), I am required to maintain physical fitness. After basic training there will be a yearly (or biyearly) PF test (PFT). It is recommended that I do at least twenty (20) minutes of exercise daily. Before exercise it is important to warm up and stretch for five (5) minutes each.

Warming up gets the muscles moving and ready to perform more strenuous activity. Warming up can be doing easy stuff like arm circles, squats, leg ups, walking, etc. Also, one should cool down after exercise, similar to how one warms up. !! Warming up muscles that you will be using during your exercise is a recommended thing !!

Stretching gets my joints and ligaments and whatnot all warmed up and capable of more and prevents injury. It is also good to stretch after your exercising.

Then there's stuff on how to do push ups properly (body straight, only bend arms when you're doing reps, don't do push ups on your legs, etc) and sit ups properly (make sure back is flat on ground, keep head off ground, only curl enough to get shoulder blades off the floor). And running...always start out with walking to warm up.


Ok, so I've been neglecting this blog. Anywho, I've been trying different exercise things, and found a bit of advice from a Navy SEAL on another blog: the exercise pyramid. How the pyramid works is you assign each exercise a number 1-w/e and as you go up the pyramid you multiply the number you assign (the number of reps that you'll do) of each exercise and the step that you're on (ie. you decide to do 1 pull up, 2 push ups,and 3 sit ups, so that's on the first step of the pyramid, the second step: 2 pull ups, 4 push ups, 6 setups...third: 3 pull ups, 6 push ups, 9 sit ups, etc...) He suggests doing pull ups, push ups, and sit ups. However, I don't have a bar accessible to me to do pull ups (it's Minnesota and winter folks...). So I've decided to have a couple versions.

Version one is for when I visit (which I have to start tomorrow) the Stillwater Dome (which has a run/walk track around it):
+ Walk 1 lap
+ 2 push ups
+ 3 sit ups
+ 1 min. run
+ Walk 1 lap
+ 4 push ups
+ 6 sit ups
+ 2 min run
+ Walk 1 lap
+ 6 push ups
+ 9 sit ups
+ 2.5 min run
+ Walk 1 lap
+ 8 push ups
+ 12 sit ups
+ 3 min run
+ Walk 1 lap
+ 10 push ups
+ 12 sit ups
+ 3 min run

(and back down) I'll be upping the push ups, sit ups and run time, and possibly take out the walk lap after the first few rounds..

Version 2: For at home on a cold day...this will be a normal pyramid so I'm only going to give the base
+ 1 handstand push up (opt. switch w/ 5 squats)
+ 2 push ups
+ 3 sit ups
+ 4 burpies / curl ups

28 January 2009


So now I'm officially in DEP (Delayed Entry Program) and considered a DEPper, or DEP Recruit Thompson.

And yes, I failed to write right when I finished with MEPS. I had picked up a virus from my dad and went through MEPS with a temperature that I'm sure was over 100 degrees. So I've been in recovery over the weekend.

Right now my contract says that I'm going in for Sonar Technician with Advanced Electronics (6 year program). But I'm looking into Advanced Electronics/Computer Field, or Electronics Technician, which is leaving in April, instead of May, but I also get $10,000 bonus, and I get to hang out with AJ for a year before I'm completely taken away from everyone.

$10,000 = new Audi...mm mm car.

Anyway, I started training for basic training (odd concept a little bit). I started off with walking around the skyway at a fast pace for about 25 minutes, 49 sit ups, and 4 reps of 4 push ups. My goal for sit ups is to hit 90 in two minutes and 40 push ups in 2 minutes.

19 January 2009

Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS)

Tomorrow, I go to MEPS. I'm nervous and doubting myself and my decision. But I have to just jump into this. I if I don't, I won't ever do it. I think I'm nervous about starting a new chapter in my life. I won't have mom here to help me or dad to make me laugh. It's a bit scary. I have to do this though.

I feel proud that I've made it this far. I think I'm just nervous about what will happen tomorrow, but I'll get over it. I'll probably be fine once I'm there, and surrounded by people with the same thoughts in their heads (lol).

I hope I can have my cell, at least at the hotel. I'm going to be freaking out at MEPS and after the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). This is the first time I've had worms, fears, and excitement over a new career or schooling. I think the only reason I had worms over St. Kate's was because I was moving out for the first time. I never really cared about journalism as a career. I was kind of excited for web design, but I don't know how to make friends. I suck at small talk. I think or rather know that Navy will be good for me somehow.

...lol, I suppose I'll need a smaller journal too...

This weird passive scared is odd. I think I'm comfortable with my decision, I'm just making up "What if's"

But I know I can do this. Everything will be fine and I'll grow as a human. I will be better than I am.

15 January 2009

I'm joining for sure

I have to do this before my typical procrastinator self convinces the rest of me not to. Am I 100% sure this is what I want? No, but perhaps it's what I need. And I know I can do this.

So the deal is that I go to the recruitment office tomorrow to fill out paperwork for 2 hours or so. On Tuesday my recruiter is taking me to MEPS, and on Wednesday I'm enlisting.

And holy fucking shit am I scared.

14 January 2009

United States Navy

Ok, I've been considering joining the Navy since high school. Now is the first time I've taken this 100% seriously. I've had a little battle with myself. And a few things that I have to remember, and convince myself of. I wrote an entry in my journal that I wish to share, so I'll be typing this word-for-word.


14 January 2009

Ok, I'm having another bout of wanting to join the military. Only this time, it's with the Navy for sure, and serious. I almost went through MEPS tonight and tomorrow, but I made the decision that I need a little more time. I'm scared shitless. My whole life is going to change. I'm going to get my ass kicked. I'm going to be pushed passed my known limits. At some point, I'm going to live on a giant piece of technology.

What am I going to miss most? My friends and family. I don't want to lose anyone for this decision. My dad seems the biggest worry though he's just worried about my happiness.

Will I be happy? I think so. I'll be on a big ol' adventure. There will be times when I'm completely unhappy and I may need to talk with a counsellor/therapist. But I'd also be making about $20/hr. [Not counting food and housing]

I think it's time for me to grow up. I need to learn financial responsibility and other types of responsibility.

My other worry, what if I really can't stand all the disrespect? It would really suck to get tossed in jail for saying the wrong shit.

But I think I can do it. I am strong. I'd be in shape for the first time in years. That alone would make me proud. I'll [still] get contact with my friends and parents. I can take leave to visit them. I need a new sense of patriotism. I've also always[...] I already feel proud about considering it. I think I need to do this.

But also HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT!! Will I make it?

I've always thought that everyone should serve their country at some point in their lives. Whether that's community service or the military.


Why Hello Thar!

I believe I started the Clog this way. Interesting... Anyway I started this as my own personal public diary. A place for recent events, thoughts, works, etc...And about the name, Crucified Tampon, I really couldn't help myself.
